geolocation search with

Geolocation Search

Search on location data - integrate with faceted search experiences, searchbox, AI Answers or use stand alone.

Realtime Geolocation

Track and stream user's data to build powerful location based experiences.

Let users discover and connect with nearby users.

Calculate region based price surge for your on-demand app.

Build multiplayer games, location based chat rooms.

Track realtime geolocation data of search
Filter data within specific geographic boundary and set event triggers.

Build Geo Fences. Filter Live Data.

Build geo fences to filter data within a specific geographic boundary, or to set up triggers when a user enters or exits the defined boundary.

Send promotions or alerts to your users’ smartphones when they enter a mall, store or section of a building.

Monitor and filter social media traffic by specific geographic regions.

Perform Proximity Search

Index and store geolocation data into as JSON objects.

Use's geoqueries to find nearby points of interest filtered in realtime.

Show nearby restaurants, checkins, RSVPs ranked by popularity, ratings or recent activity.

Add proximity search capability to apps using
Context aware notifications based on location and proximity.

Context Aware Notifications

Increase actives and improve conversions by sending smart notifications based on user's location.

An event discovery app that provides contextual notifications every time a new event is created - taking into account user's current locations and event preferences.

Location based marketplaces can notify users on a new discount deal within their walkable distance, restaurants can announce specials on user's favorite items.

Advanced Spatial Search

Let your imagination guide you. Build realtime search features that incorporate the best of geolocation.

Combine the power of geolocation search with facets to build an advanced maps based search interface.

A house/car rentals spatial search interface that allows facet search combined with streaming updates on new deals.

Realtime geolocation search with facets and advanced map interface.

All APIs are authenticated over HTTPS. Create API keys with access control policies tailored to your use case.

Relevant Search's relevant search APIs and deployment flexibility lets you focus on building a great search experience.

Reactivesearch components  for building beautiful search UI

Check out our open-source UI components for building geolocation apps.

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